Classroom Dynamics
The dynamic between student and teacher in educational environments does influence student academic outcomes. Particularly in larger classes there is a greater sense of anonymity, which is enjoyed by students (Mulryan-Kyne 182). While it is important to keep some anonymity, it is equally important for students to be able to establish a relationship with their professor. Cheng, from the Graduate Institute of TESOL, analyzes the importance of lecture closing in regards of forming rapport between student and teacher. Cheng explains, “in the closing of university lectures, lecturers can make up for lapses in the body of the lecture, review or summarize the key points, and discuss or explain course-related issues” (235). Cheng’s study suggests that the lack of proper ending could be the cause of lower success rates in large lecture classes (247). An established relationship with your professor enhances lectures because both parties are more open and comfortable with in-class interactions. The greater comfort and confidence created within this type of relationship increases the productivity in lecture halls. Cheng’s study demonstrate how smaller class sizes are not the proper, nor rational, alternative to increasing student success in higher education; she suggests an aid to the traditional lecture format through rapport.
Student engagement is vital in lecture style classes because it will allow for a greater success within the student body, and the lecture style, which accommodates for many, will allow for more students to have the opportunity to succeed. Problem-based learning promotes a greater student-teacher relationship because it presents students with a greater opportunity to ask further questions without feeling singled out. While students are solving through problems, professors are able to communicate one-on-one with students in the classroom and address any specific questions. The increase in rapport will create a greater foundation for students to succeed and feel more comfortable in reaching out to their professors outside of the classroom.