Working Bibliography
Andrews, T. M. et al. “Active Learning Not Associated with Student Learning in a Random
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Barwick, Daniel W. “Does Class Size Matter?” Inside Higher Ed, 6 December 2007. Web. 14
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Cheng, Stephanie W. ““That’s it for today”: Academic lecture closings and the impact of class
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Chingos, Matthew M. “Class Size and Student Outcomes: Research and Policy Implications.”
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Cooper, Sandy, Jo Clay Olson, and Tom Lougheed. “Influences of Teaching Approaches and
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Exley, Kate. “Encouraging Active Learning in Lectures.” AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of
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Gleason, Jim. “Using Technology-Assisted Instruction and Assessment to Reduce the Effect of
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Henchy, Deirdre, and Roland Tormey. “Re-Imagining the Traditional Lecture: an Action
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Kolkhorst, Brittany Boyle, and Ani Yazedjian. “Implementing Small Group Activities in Large
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Moriarty, John. “Feeding the Four Hundred.” MSOR Connections 13.2 (2013): 37-42. The
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Mulryan-Kyne, Catherine. "Teaching Large Classes At College And University Level:
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Nguyen, Binh Thi. “Face-to-Face, Blended, and Online Instruction: Comparison of Student
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Tudor, Marin. “Teaching Becomes Learning in Higher Education by Approaching the Activation
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